This has been a crazy week. Two of my flights were delayed and I was at a meeting on Wednesday. I was planning on sending out the video on Thursday night, but that flight was delayed and I didn't get home until 2am. My next plan was to record it tonight but my last flight today was cancelled, so I rented a car and drove the rest of the way (5 hours!) to the place I'll be at tomorrow. As a result, I am going to answer questions and try to point at some more things about interpolation/etc via text. I know this isn't great. :( -- First, your questions: "On the first day of class, I know we talked about the bounciness of the Android screen, and I would like it if you could talk more about the applicability of these mathematical principles." "I remember talking about interpolations when I took a Graphic Computation class. Is it the same kind of interpolation when it comes to making games?" Yes. It really has more to do with "animation" than "games", but of course games contain lots of animations. :) So here's the problem: films run at like 24 frames per second and we typically want games and other non-real-world-looking things to run at 60 frames per second. That means that when you want to make a 5 minute animated video, you need to produce 5 minutes * 60 seconds/minute * 60 frames/second = 18,000 frames There is no way that you could really draw that many individual pictures. Most old Disney movies were done at around 12 drawings per second, but that is a little misleading because sometimes they would draw a big picture and then "pan" around the camera on top of it which would give the sense of a much higher frame rate. So given that you aren't really going to draw all these pictures... how are you going to get each one? The basic idea is to break up all motion (i.e. animation) into discrete chunks called "key frames". For example: the ball starts on the left (0) and ends on the right (10): +-----------+ +-----------+ | | | | | | | | | O | | O | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------+ +-----------+ An artist manually "draws" these two scenes, then they pick two things for the computer to do. First, they pick the amount of time the animation will take. Then they pick an interpolation function for the computer to use to compute all the intermediate (or "in between") points. If the function is linear and the time is 10 frames, then you will get a picture of the ball everywhere from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc up to 10. This process is commonly called "tweening", "lerping", or "easing" by artists, but we know it is "interpolation". Different interpolation functions will have a drastically different effect on the animation. Here is an awesome site to play with different functions (look at the presets on the right): This is a fairly deep subject. "I was also wondering which method of interpolation do most computer scientists use or does it depend on the data? Would it be better to use every method and then use Least Squares to figure out which has the least amount of error or is there an assumed "better" way of interpolating?" It is VERY dependent on the data. Basically in all of these situations, the mathematics just gives you a bunch of techniques, but you need to decide which to use based on what you think the data is REALLY like. For instance, if you have data from a real world phenomenon that you believe is linear, then it makes sense for you to do a linear interpolation. On the other hand, if you know your data isn't linear but represents some cyclic process, maybe you will try to approximate it by a composition of sine waves and use something like the FFT (which will talk about later) to figure out what they are. However, the R-square test and the chi-square test are INCREDIBLY common for evaluating interpolations. "Combining splines and linear algebra also confused me a bit in the last reading, could you talk more about that in relation to computer graphics?" Sure. A major challenge in graphics is being able to draw and specify curves. The central problem is that our screens and image formats have discrete points and lines are infinitely fine, so any attempt to "pointify" them will look blocky. [Note 1: This wasn't always true. Early monitors were basically oscilloscopes that could make fine lines. You can read a little about this on this Wikipedia page: and then you can look at this video of using an oscilloscope to render a "modern" game: ] [Note 2: The standard way to deal with this is called anti-aliasing. The Wikipedia page is very complicated. The simplest pages I could find for you about this are on drawing art manually, which I think gets the idea across. Look at this picture: and look at section 9 of this tutorial: ] So, how do splines come in? Basically, they are a great way to write down a curve based on a small amount of data (typically just three points: the start, the end, and a "control" point.) Here's a cute site that lets you play with that idea: "Also, when it says that "there exists a point c between the smallest and largest of x0, x1, ... , xn such that...", does it mean it could be the smallest/largest? Like, is it "smallest < c < largest" or "smallest <= c <= largest"? If it can't be equal, is there a reason for it?" I believe it can be equal. "And are there built-in functions for interpolations in languages like Java/C?" Not traditionally. The closest that comes to mind is the "lerp" function that is built into Nvidia's Cg language (an old language for writing graphics shaders): --- It has taken me a lot longer than I thought it would to write up these answers. I was going to write/have you read about some other things, but I think I will focus on interpolation in multiple dimensions, especially related to computer graphics. You may know that when you draw 3D graphics, the drawing is given in triangles. Each triangle is specified by its three end vertices and each vertex has some data associated with it. As a simple example, imagine that the data is the color of that vertex. Triangle 1: (0,0,0, "red"), (0,1,0, "blue"), (1,0,0, "green") A key problem of drawing this triangle is figuring out the color of the points inside of the triangle, like (0.5, 0.5, 0). It isn't an end point, so what color should it be? The way that 3D graphics engines normally do this is via interpolation. Imagine the engine could only draw 2D lines, then we could do something like: Line 1: (0, 0, "0% red"), (1,1, "100% red") then a point like (0.5, 0.5) would be "50% red" because it is half-way between the end-points and so the interpolation function would be called with START = 0% red, END = 100% red, and SPOT = 0.5. The function would look like this: float lerp(float v0, float v1, float t) { return (1-t)*v0 + t*v1; } and be called like this: lerp( 0.0, 1.0, 0.5 ) = (1 - 0.5)*0.0 + 0.5*1.0 = 0.5*0.0 + 0.5*1.0 = 0.5*1.0 = 0.5 You could imagine that graphics engines would do this along the edges of the triangles, and they do. But that doesn't help us with what is inside the triangle. I find the rectangle case to be slightly simpler, so let's start there. Suppose now that you could draw a rectangle (NOT a quadrangle). This gives you four points and four different color values. You could imagine doing an interpolation in each direction (left to right, then top to bottom) and then combining the values. The tricky part is "combining" the values. Basically, you weight the value by the "area" of the vertical or horizontal part. With this background, the pictures on the Wikipedia page for bilinear interpolation are very informative, I think: Something neat about this is that although we described it on the basis of rendering a colored rectangle (like the second picture), it also makes sense to do this as a way of "blowing up" pictures. When you blow up a picture, you are basically adding blank space between the pixels and then you need to go back and fill them in. This is one technique to figure out how to fill them in. Okay, so given this background in rectangles, how does the triangle system work? You have the same idea, for each point you want to know "how close it is" to each vertex (called λ1, λ2, and λ3) and then combine the values at those vertexes through addition but weighted by the closeness. These closeness are called Barycentric coordinates: This is really how graphics are done. Here's a function I wrote a while ago to compute these things (the values λ1, λ2, and λ3): Something neat about this computation is that if the three values don't sum to 1.0, then the point isn't inside the triangle. This is useful to know when drawing, so you don't try to draw that point. It is essentially a "collision" detection function also. Weird! and then you can see later on how they are used to figure out the adjusted "tx" value of the point: (define tx (fl+ (fl+ (fl* λ1 tx1.0) (fl* λ2 tx2.0)) (fl* λ3 tx3.0))) -- So, I hope from this set of reading you see that interpolation is very important in computer graphics and mathematical computations generally. Strange bed fellows, huh!