Random numbers - Truly random or un-discernible patterns? - Simulation or unpredictable? - Deck has 52 cards... shuffle : -> permutation(52) - Appearing random: Do you want "shuffle" to play "Let it Go" 10 times in a row? - Local randomness: frequency (counts of possibilities), serial test (two at a time), poker test (five at a time), gap test (gaps between same numbers) [Tetris example] 0 2 3 5 7 8 9 1 8 5 4 7 0 3 1 -- 15 values for 10 times.. 1.5 value times measure the information... you can try to compress it 0 - 2 1 - 2 2 - 1 3 - 2 4 - 1 5 - 2 6 - 0 7 - 2 8 - 2 9 - 1 00 01 56 38 True random: - Harvest "entropy" from reality... with dice and coins (dynamical systems) and radioactive decay - RAND Corporation - (often blocking) - Reality may have biases that are hard to detect (dice, hard drive arms, and human arms [mice & keyboard]) - Humans often alternate "too much" Cryptographic: - Next bit test: For all k, If you have all K bits, then you can't guess the (k+1) bit with more than 50% accuracy in polynomial time. (O(n^m)) rand : State -> (Num x State) rand n = n, n+1 0 1 2 3 4 5 - State compromise: If you know the internal state at bit k, you can't compute the "old" bits (i < k) [enumerate bits of pi] --------------- ALGORITHMS ----------------------- Pseudo-random: - The sequence WILL repeat, it is just a matter of when. (If its state is n bits then at most 2^n results are possible.) exists i j k, rand State_i = n x State_j s.t. State_j = State_k where k < i assuming State is Finite - Not all seeds have the same (good) period length 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Starting at n makes the period n. - Some numbers and patterns are inherently unlikely If the period is 16, and you want a 32 length sequence with no repeats... it doesn't exist - Successive values are often correlated - Often of the form: X_n+1 = (aX_n + b) mod m - Often initialized with clock Middle square: - von Neumann - Square a number and take the middle digits (extending the left if necessary) 4 -> 16 -> 016 -> 1 4789 -> 22 9345 21 -> 9345 -> 87 3290 25 -> 3290 -> 10824100 Linear feedback shift register: --->---->--->--->-->-> 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 ^--- output --->---->--->--->-->-> _ 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 ^--- new value new value = output XOR bit5 + output XOR bit3 - Shift values to the right - Compute the new value on the left with an XOR of the other values - Some interesting theory to get good cycles of maximal-length Multiply-with-Carry: - A generalization of the form above. X_0 ... X_n, c(arry) X_n+1 = (a * X_n + b ) mod m X_2 = f(X_1, c) c = f(X_0, ..., X_n) Blum Blum Shub: - x_{n+1} = (x_{n})^2 mod M where M = pq and p, q are large primes - x_0 should be co-prime to M (p and q are not factors) and not 0 or 1 - p and q should be congruent to 3 (mod 4) - gcd( phi(p - 1), phi(q - 1) ) should be small (to have a large cycle) --- Example: p = 11, q = 19, and x_0 = 3 gcd is 2 9 81 82 36 42 92 104 157 196 169 137 168 --- 12 9 81 82 36 42 92 104 157 196 169 137 168 observation function or output function 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 Mersenne Twister: - A generalization of LFS - Most popular now - Period is 2^19937 − 1 - The beginning is "highly non-random" - It passes a generalization of the poker test and many other tests 05467 - 1/10^5 - Not acceptable for crypto, stats, or numerical analysis (it only takes 624 numbers to know where in the sequence you are) - I have no idea why it works. Reading the code is not particularly instructive. ......................... Send me... Questions -- that you want clarification More explanation and deeper --- what should we talk about next? Statistical methods for random generation...