3.4 Adventure!
Your assignment is to develop a game about "adventure", like The Legend of Zelda, Pac-Man, Zork, Rogue, or Wizardry.
Like Moving Blocks, you are free to design whatever kind of game you want. The requirements, however, are much looser. Your game must have the following elements:
Different modes with transitions between them.
For example, Zelda has the overworld, dungeons, and the item select screen.
Independent non-player actors, or "mobs".
For example, Pac-Man has the ghosts that run around independently (kind of).
Persistent player attributes.
For example, the player in Zork carries various items and can use and dispose of them throughout the map.
This project should take roughly twice as much effort as Moving Blocks.
The project will be graded exactly the same as Moving Blocks, so please refer to that page for details.