Advanced Programming Languages (Winter 2011)
This class is taught by Jay McCarthy.
We meet in TMCB 134 at 9:30-10:45a TTH.
Jay McCarthy’s office hours are 1pm to 4:45pm in 3328 TMCB.
1 Introduction
This course covers advanced programming language topics.
This course will be structured as follows: each week we’ll hear presentations on a paper from a student; before the first meeting every student will turn in a review of the paper; after the second meeting every student will turn in a review of presenter. If a paper is particularly confusing, I’ll take the next day to go over some of the necessary theory. The presenter should consult with me to design their presentations.
I suggest that all students attempt to implement each paper in their language of choice.
2 Meetings
| Date |
| Paper |
| Presenter. |
| 1/4 |
| Efficient Bijective Godel Numberings for Term Algebras (Slides) |
| Jay |
| 1/6 |
| cont. |
| |
| 1/11 |
| Sean | |
| 1/13 |
| cont. |
| |
| 1/18 |
| Nick | |
| 1/20 |
| cont. |
| |
| 1/25 |
| Blake | |
| 1/27 |
| cont. |
| |
| 2/1 |
| Educational pearl: Escape from Zurg: an exercise in logic programming |
| Neil |
| 2/3 |
| cont. |
| |
| 2/8 |
| Sean | |
| 2/10 |
| cont. |
| |
| 2/15 |
| Nick | |
| 2/17 |
| cont. |
| |
| 2/24 |
| ||
| 3/1 |
| Blake | |
| 3/3 |
| cont. |
| |
| 3/8 |
| Neil | |
| 3/10 |
| cont. |
| |
| 3/15 |
| Sean | |
| 3/17 |
| cont. |
| |
| 3/22 |
| Nick | |
| 3/24 |
| cont. |
| |
| 3/29 |
| Blake | |
| 3/31 |
| cont. |
| |
| 4/5 |
| Theoretical pearl: Flattening combinators: surviving without parentheses |
| Neil |
| 4/7 |
| cont. |
| |
| 4/12 |
This schedule may change.
3 Turn In Policy
Reviews are to be emailed to Paper reviews are due by 5pm the day before the first meeting. Presentation reviews are due by 5pm the day after the second meeting.
The subject line must be: "BYU - Winter 2011 - CS 630 - date - kind", where date is the date of the meeting and kind is either Paper or Presenter.
Only one email should be sent. If more than one is sent, I will grade the oldest one.
The only file formats that will be accepted are inline text and PDFs.
Reviews that do not have the correct format will receive no credit.
4 Paper Review Format
Your review should summarize the paper, identify its primary contributions, describe something you understood well, and describe something you had a hard time understanding. You should plan on writing approximately a page and a half of prose.
5 Presentation Review Format
Your review should discuss the presenter’s coverage of the paper, their clarity of presentation, their presentation style, their insight into the material, and their grasp of the material. You should plan on writing approximately a page and a half of prose. These will be anonymously shared with the presenter.
6 Exams
There are no exams in this course.
7 Grading
Each review is graded with a number between 0 and 1.
8 Your Final Grade
Your final numeric grade is the average of the reviews due.
I will then run the following function to convert it to a letter:
Examples: |
> (convert-to-letter 1) |
"A" |
> (convert-to-letter 0.94) |
"A" |
> (convert-to-letter 0.899999) |
"B+" |
> (convert-to-letter 0.81) |
"B-" |
> (convert-to-letter 0.74) |
"C" |
> (convert-to-letter 0.6999999) |
"D+" |
> (convert-to-letter 0.62) |
"D-" |
> (convert-to-letter 0.57) |
"F" |