2.5 Traveling He-Man

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Flavor text: In response to the critical acclaim of Final Fantasy X-2, Square Enix is developing a JRPG based on the He-Man Mythos. Attempting to capture the ellusive "Computer Science nerd" demographic, Square Enix has determined that Eternia’s many locales must be explored in a shortest-path fashion. Hoping to get first post on a Slashdot thread about completing the game, you have taken CS 312.

You must solve the Traveling Salesman Problem using Branch and Bound.

Your program should accept a description of an undirected graph in the following format:




integer edge*




node >- weight -> node









where the first integer is the largest node and the RHS of an edge is greater than the LHS. (White space is allowed between any terms.)

You may want to write a program to generate such inputs.

Your program should output the shortest Hamiltonian cycle along with its cost in the following format:

<start node> -> <node> -> <node> ... -> <end node>

Cost: <weight>

You must test your program on graphs of at least 20 nodes.

Your program must output the time it took to solve the problem (not read in the input and solve the problem.)

If you want to, follow these directions instead.