2.5 control

Refer to the exercise policy for details.
Write an implementation of logic programming using using either first-class continuations or double-barrelled continuation-passing style. (You could implement this in some language you already know (like Racket, Python, C++, etc) or in ISWIM after extending your machine with support for continuations and mutation.)
Logic programming is a kind of programming language like the "angelic computation" we saw in class. Here’s a simple way to look at it:
The query and fresh forms bind the identifiers X ... to fresh variables within M. When you evaluate the P, you get a mapping from these identifiers to values that satisfy the formula M. For example, (query (X) (=or2 (== X 8) (== X 7))) would return either 8 or 7. But, (query (X) (=and2 (== X 8) (== X 7))) would fail because no assignment of X to any value satisfies the formula.

This form of computation is powerful when combined with the rest of ISWIM (or your favorite language.) For example, consider
(define (=parent x y)
  (=or2 (=and2 (== x "Khronos") (== y "Zeus"))
        (=and2 (== x "Zeus") (== y "Athena"))
        (=and2 (== x "Athena") (== y "Erichthonius"))))
; fails
(query () (=parent "Zeus" "Paris"))
; succeeds with Who=Athena
(query (Who) (=parent "Zeus" Who))
; succeeds with Grandpa=Khronos and Pa=Zeus
(query (Grandpa Pa)
       (=and2 (=parent Grandpa Pa)
              (=parent Pa "Athena")))

This is even more powerful when such functions are used recursively:
(define (=ancestor x z)
  (fresh (y) (=and2 (=parent x y) (=ancestor y z))))
; succeeds with Who=Zeus, as well as Who=Kronos
(query (Who) (=ancestor Who "Athena"))

There are a lot of strategies for implementing this, but the most beautiful implements =succeed, =fail, =and2, =or2, ==, fresh, and query as normal functions in your language (that internally use first-class continuations.) My implementation is 18 lines in Racket.