3.10 Web Game Survey
Repeat the Game Survey assignment using the Racket Web Server and using its automatic continuation tracking.
In addition to the requirements in the console version of the assignment, you must also ensure that:
Each page only displays one question.
The back button should work properly. If a user answers a question, clicks the back button, then reanswers the question, the later answer should take effect.
Window cloning should work properly. If a user fills out the survey to a certain point, then creates a new window (or tab) which is a copy of the current one, then it should be possible to fill out both surveys independently. Furthermore, clicking the back button in one window should not affect any others.
In addition to your program, include a text file in your submission that discusses your experience transferring this program to the Web and contrast any of Web programming experience you might have. This discussion can be very short, like five paragraphs.
You may write your servlets in DrRacket and save them anywhere. Use this template for your servlets:
#lang web-server/insta (define (start initial-request) ; initial page goes here ....)