Advanced Programming Languages (Spring 2013)
This class is taught by Jay McCarthy.
We meet in 134 TMCB at TR 08:00-10:45.
Jay McCarthy’s office hours are 6am to 11am M-F in 3328 TMCB.
1 Introduction
This course covers advanced programming language topics.
This year’s theme is macro systems.
This course will be structured as follows: each day we’ll hear presentations on a paper from a student; before the meeting every student will turn in a review of the paper; after the meeting every student will turn in a summary of the discussion. If a paper is particularly confusing, I’ll take the time to go over some of the necessary theory. The presenter should consult with me to design their presentations.
2 Meetings
| Date |
| Paper |
| Presenter |
| 04/30 |
| Macro System Introduction & Tutorial |
| Neil & Blake |
| 05/02 |
| Hygienic Macro Expansion (1986), Syntactic Extensions in the Programming Language Lisp (1986) and Macro-by-example: Deriving syntactic transformations from their specifications (1987) |
| Blake |
| 05/07 |
| Expansion-Passing Style: A General Macro Mechanism (1988) and Syntactic Closures (1988) |
| Andrew |
| 05/09 |
| Macros that work (1991) and Writing Hygenic Macros in Scheme with Syntax-Case (1992) |
| Matthew |
| 05/14 |
| Attend TFP 2013 |
| |
| 05/16 |
| Attend TFP 2013 |
| |
| 05/21 |
| Jay | |
| 05/23 |
| Blake | |
| 05/28 |
| How to Write Seemingly Unhygienic and Referentially Opaque Macros with Syntax-rules (2002) and A Few Principles of Macro Design (2008) |
| Jay |
| 05/30 |
| Andrew | |
| 06/04 |
| Debugging Hygienic Macros (2009) and Fortifying Macros (2010) |
| Matthew |
| 06/06 |
| Andrew | |
| 06/11 |
| Macros that Work Together: Compile-Time Bindings, Partial Expansion, and Definition Contexts (2012) |
| Kimball |
| 06/13 |
| Honu: Syntactic Extension for Algebraic Notation through Enforestation (2012) |
| Matthew |
This schedule may change.
3 Turn In Policy
Reviews are to be emailed to You must also subscribe to this mailing list by going to
Paper reviews are due by 5pm the day before the meeting. Discussion reviews are due by 5pm the day after the meeting.
The subject line must be: "BYU - Spring 2013 - CS 630 - date - kind", where date is the date of the meeting and kind is either Paper or Discussion.
Only one email should be sent. If more than one is sent, I will grade the oldest one.
The only file formats that will be accepted are inline text.
Reviews that do not have the correct format will receive no credit.
4 Paper Review Format
Your review should summarize the paper, identify its primary contributions, describe something you understood well, and describe something you had a hard time understanding. You should plan on writing approximately a page and a half of prose.
5 Discussion Review Format
Your review should summarize the discussion, identify the main things you learned from it and/or thought deeply about, and describe what lingering questions (if any) you still have about the material. You should plan on writing approximately a page and a half of prose.
6 Exams
There are no exams in this course.
7 Grading
Each review is graded with a number between 0 and 1.
8 Your Final Grade
Your final numeric grade is the average of the reviews due.
I will then run the following function to convert it to a letter:
> (define (convert-to-letter ng) (cond [(> ng 0.93) "A"] [(> ng 0.9) "A-"] [(> ng 0.86) "B+"] [(> ng 0.83) "B"] [(> ng 0.8) "B-"] [(> ng 0.76) "C+"] [(> ng 0.73) "C"] [(> ng 0.7) "C-"] [(> ng 0.66) "D+"] [(> ng 0.63) "D"] [(> ng 0.6) "D-"] [else "F"]))
Examples: | ||||||||||||||||