Complete this assignment with Team 3.

Implementing Prolog

In this assignment, you will implement Prolog-style logic variables and backtracking search using Scheme's macros and continuations. In particular, you must implement the following:

Some of these abstractions may be implementable as Scheme procedures, while others will require the use of macros. In either case, recall the pattern we developed in class for performing backtracking: the unification and search primitives (i.e. =succeed, =fail, ==, =or, and =and) consume a failure continuation (to be invoked on failure) and, if successful, return a success continuation (to allow resumption of the search). This pattern prevents the Prolog embedding from communicating ordinary program answers through procedure return values. Instead it uses logic variables, which you will need to update imperatively, taking care to restore when backtracking. In addition to these linguistic extensions, you must also implement the following testing interface:

Note that there is nothing special about the variables bound by =find-all and =find-some. They are simply the logic variables whose values the user is interested in (v ...).

Data Types

There are two data types that you have to deal with in your unification process: flat types and cons types. Flat types (e.g. numbers, symbols, strings) can be bound directly to logic variables. Cons types are compound objects that may have other data types or even logic variables within them. You must implement (=cons f r) which produces a cons of f and r. Essentially, this behaves exactly like cons except that it stores the data in a representation you define to facilitate unification. Here is a definition for =list:
(define =list
  (lambda args
    (if (empty? args) '()
        (=cons (first args) (apply =list (rest args))))))
Your definition of =cons should behave nicely with this. Thus,
(show (x y) (== (=cons 1 (=cons (=cons 2 '()) '())) (=list x y)))
should successfully find x=1, y=(2). Note here that y's value is not implementation specific; it is a standard Scheme list.

Interactive Testing

These are not required by the assignment, but to aid in interactive testing (as shown in the examples below), you may find the following two definitions helpful:
(define resumer-box (box 'resumer))

(define (next) ((unbox resumer-box) 'dummy))
(define-syntax show
  (syntax-rules ()
    [(show (vars ...) e)
     (=var (vars ...)
           (let/cc esc
             (let/cc fk
               (esc (let ([next (e fk)])
                      (set-box! resumer-box next)
                      (printf "~a: ~a~n" (quote vars) (lv-value vars))
where lv-value accesses the value stored in the given logic variable.

Please note that these definitions are very implementation specific. If you would like to use them for testing, we not only encourage you, but we expect you to modify them to make them work with your implementation.


Please use the following definitions to help you with your testing:
;; symbol -> boolean : returns true if and only if the given
;; symbol is an uninterned symbol
(define (gensym? s)
  (not (equal? (string->symbol (symbol->string s)) s)))

;; list X list -> boolean : takes two bindings (for example, returned
;; from =find-all) and returns true if and only if the two variables
;; they bind are equal to the same thing.
(define (binding-equal? b1 b2)
  (equal? (second b1) (second b2)))

;; Prolog-Expr X symbol X bool-Exprs ... -> Test result : Takes a 
;; (=find-all ...) or (=find-some ...), an identifier, and a set of 
;; expressions that evaluate to booleans when the identifier is bound 
;; to the result of the given Prolog-expr.  The test passes if and 
;; only if all of the boolean expressions are true.
(define-syntax test-prolog
  (syntax-rules (test-prolog)
    [(test-prolog find-expr result-id bool ...)
     (test (let ([result-id find-expr])
             (and bool ...)) true)]))


Example 1: Simple Search

You might want to start by just testing =and and =or with success and failure (no logic variables). In this restricted setting, there are a couple of useful properties: namely, if e1 succeeds in n1 ways, e2 succeeds in n2 ways, etc., then (=or e1 e2 ...) succeeds in n1 + n2 + ... ways, and (=and e1 e2 ...) succeeds in n1 * n2 * ... ways. For instance,

(=and (=or =succeed =succeed =fail =succeed)
      (=or =fail =succeed =succeed))
succeeds in six ways. The first =or succeeds in three ways, the second =or succeeds in two ways, and the =and combines them in all possible ways. Likewise,
(=or (=and =succeed =succeed)
     (=and =fail =succeed =succeed)
     (=and =succeed))
succeeds in two ways. The first and third =ands each succeed in one way, and the =or explores both of them.

You can use show (with an empty variable list) and next to count how many times a query succeeds. You can also use the following test-prolog expression:

(test-prolog (=find-all () (=or (=and =succeed =succeed)
                                (=and =fail =succeed =succeed)
                                (=and =succeed)))
             (= (length result) 2))

Example 2: Family Trees

As a more complicated example, suppose we have the following definitions:

(define (=parent c p)
  (=or (=and (== c 'vito) (== p 'dom))
       (=and (== c 'sonny) (== p 'vito))
       (=and (== c 'michael) (== p 'vito))
       (=and (== c 'fredo) (== p 'vito))
       (=and (== c 'sophia) (== p 'michael))
       (=and (== c 'tony) (== p 'michael))))

(define (=ancestor X Y)
  (=or (=parent X Y)
       (=var (Z)
             (=and (=parent X Z)
                   (=ancestor Z Y)))))
Then we get the following query results:
> (show (x) (=ancestor x 'vito))
x: sonny
> (next)
x: michael
> (next)
x: fredo
> (next)
x: sophia
> (next)
x: tony
> (next)
> (find-all (x) (=parent x 'michael))
(list (list (list 'x 'sophia))
      (list (list 'x 'tony)))
> (find-some 3 (x y) (=ancestor x y))
(list (list (list 'x 'vito) (list 'y 'dom))
      (list (list 'x 'sonny) (list 'y 'vito))
      (list (list 'x 'michael) (list 'y 'vito)))