2013-10-14: Swapping Folds on the Left and Right
The source for this post is online at 2013-10-14-fold.rkt.
Folds, or catamorphisms, are beautiful functions that have lots of neat properties and are often a programmer’s first foray into algebra. In this post, we talk about the difference between a left and right fold and how to swap between them.
Although folds exist for all data-structures, it is easiest to understand folds on lists, I think. One way to understand them is that the change the constructors of a data-structure into a different function. For instance, in this example, we change the conss to + and the empty to 0:
The same operation is conceivable for anything else, like a tree, where we could turn branches into + and the leafs into the identity function:
(struct lf (v)) (struct br (l r)) (check-equal? (fold + id (br (br (lf 1) (br (lf 1) (lf 2))) (br (lf 1) (lf 2)))) ( + ( + (id 1) ( + (id 1) (id 2))) ( + (id 1) (id 2))))
This way of thinking about folds leads directly to their implementation. Here is the implementation for lists:
(define (fold replace-cons replace-empty a-list) (match a-list [(? empty?) replace-empty] [(cons first-v rest-list) (replace-cons first-v (fold replace-cons replace-empty rest-list))]))
And for trees:
(define (fold replace-br replace-lf a-tree) (match a-tree [(br l-tree r-tree) (replace-br (fold replace-br replace-lf l-tree) (fold replace-br replace-lf r-tree))] [(lf leaf-val) (replace-lf leaf-val)]))
Something to notice about a fold is that the structure of the computation mirrors the structure of the data-structure. This means that folding a list with N elements will create a stack that is N elements deep. There is another kind of a fold, a so-called "linear fold" that does not have this property. However, it necessarily has a different semantics, because things happen in a different order. Let’s see the function definition first:
(define (linear-fold do-at-cons replace-empty-or-start-at a-list) (match a-list [(? empty?) replace-empty-or-start-at] [(cons first-v rest-list) (linear-fold do-at-cons (do-at-cons first-v replace-empty-or-start-at) rest-list)]))
Since the structure of the computation is no longer related to the structure of the data, it maintains constant stack space by being tail-recursive. The other consequence of this is that it no longer makes sense to say that the function "replaces" cons and empty, but rather are "done at" cons. If you look at an example like before you can see that the final answer is the same, but the order is different:
This means that fold and linear-fold are equivalent on associative operations, which means linear-fold is preferable in some sense. However, it is more awkward to describe and gives different answers for other operations. For instance, compare the following versions:
(check-equal? (fold string-append "[]" '("1" "2" "3")) "123[]") (check-equal? (linear-fold string-append "[]" '("1" "2" "3")) "321[]")
Furthermore, a linear version of a tree fold doesn’t really make as much sense, because there is no linear sequence to start at the "left" of. (Although it does make sense to traverse the tree in one order and then process that sequence "from the left".)
Is it possible to "swap" the folds by implementing a linear fold in terms of a normal fold? In other words, can we write fold-as-linear-fold as in the following code?
(check-equal? (linear-fold-as-fold string-append "[]" '("1" "2" "3")) "123[]") (check-equal? (fold-as-linear-fold string-append "[]" '("1" "2" "3")) "321[]")
The amazing thing is that not only can we write it, but the same function swaps both!
The easiest way to think about it is from the linear-fold-as-fold perspective. We manually create the right-to-left stack by folding the creation of the stack, and then call it at the end:
(define ((swap-folds base-fold) do-at-cons final-answer a-list) ((base-fold (λ (first-element stack) (λ (next-answer) (stack (do-at-cons first-element next-answer)))) (λ (last-answer) last-answer) a-list) final-answer))
The computation is structured as in this trace:
(check-trace? (linear-fold-as-fold string-append "[]" '("1" "2" "3")) ((linear-fold (λ (first-element stack) (λ (next-answer) (stack (string-append first-element next-answer)))) (λ (last-answer) last-answer) '("1" "2" "3")) "[]") ((linear-fold (λ (first-element stack) (λ (next-answer) (stack (string-append first-element next-answer)))) (λ (next-answer) ((λ (last-answer) last-answer) (string-append "1" next-answer))) '("2" "3")) "[]") ((linear-fold (λ (first-element stack) (λ (next-answer) (stack (string-append first-element next-answer)))) (λ (next-answer) ((λ (next-answer) ((λ (last-answer) last-answer) (string-append "1" next-answer))) (string-append "2" next-answer))) '("3")) "[]") ((linear-fold (λ (first-element stack) (λ (next-answer) (stack (string-append first-element next-answer)))) (λ (next-answer) ((λ (next-answer) ((λ (next-answer) ((λ (last-answer) last-answer) (string-append "1" next-answer))) (string-append "2" next-answer))) (string-append "3" next-answer))) '()) "[]") ((λ (next-answer) ((λ (next-answer) ((λ (next-answer) ((λ (last-answer) last-answer) (string-append "1" next-answer))) (string-append "2" next-answer))) (string-append "3" next-answer))) "[]") ((λ (next-answer) ((λ (next-answer) ((λ (last-answer) last-answer) (string-append "1" next-answer))) (string-append "2" next-answer))) (string-append "3" "[]")) ((λ (next-answer) ((λ (next-answer) ((λ (last-answer) last-answer) (string-append "1" next-answer))) (string-append "2" next-answer))) "3[]") ((λ (next-answer) ((λ (last-answer) last-answer) (string-append "1" next-answer))) (string-append "2" "3[]")) ((λ (next-answer) ((λ (last-answer) last-answer) (string-append "1" next-answer))) "23[]") ((λ (last-answer) last-answer) (string-append "1" "23[]")) ((λ (last-answer) last-answer) "123[]") "123[]")
It may be surprising that using linear-fold to implement fold does not grant the space guarantees of linear-fold to fold. While it does ensure that during the creation of the computation the stack is constant, the computation that is built is linear in the size of the list.
From the other perspective, it works because fold builds a computation that is just structured in the other direction. This technique does not, however, give us a way to make linear folds of trees because the continuation would be duplicated at each leaf.
1 Yo! It’s almost time to go!
But first let’s remember what we learned today!
Folds are neat and exist for every data-structure.
Linear folds are weird and aren’t really like the other folds at all.
But you can swap them by using continuation-passing style! Weird!
If you’d like to run this exact code at home, you should put it in this order:
(require racket/list racket/function racket/match rackunit) (define-syntax-rule (check-3qual? a b c) (begin (check-equal? a b) (check-equal? b c))) (define (check-trace? . l) (for/fold ([last (first l)]) ([next (in-list (rest l))]) (check-equal? last next) next)) (define (id x) x) (let () <list-fold> <ex1> <list-linear-fold> <ex3> <ex4> <swap-folds> <swaps> <ex5>) (let () <tree-fold> <ex2>)