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2013-07-22: The Underbelly of Racket Macro Basics

The source for this post is online at 2013-07-22-123list.rkt.

Categories: Racket Macros

Racket macros are a beautiful and simple way to extend the programming language, but even the simplest macros have many deep things going on to make them work. This post attempts to take a trivial macro down to the "bare metal" of the Racket VM to show what’s going on. Hopefully, by tracing such a simple macro, it will help you better understand how to use low-level tools, if you ever need them.


Our simple macro has a stupid purpose: it creates a list that references three different identifiers, each at different places in the context of the macro invocation, but that are all written identically. Here’s a test:

<test> ::=
(define x 1)
(let ([x 2])
  (check-equal? (123-list x) (list 1 2 3)))

The idea is that 123-list will create a new binding for x and expand to (list x x x), where the first x is the defined x, the second is to the let-bound x, and the final x is introduced by the macro, with the value of 3.

A non-working version of this macro would be:

(define-syntax-rule (123-list x)
  (let ([x 3])
    (list x x x)))

This version is broken because the let binding captures all three references. It returns (list 3 3 3).

A better version is:

(define-syntax-rule (123-list middle-x)
  (let ([inner-x 3])
    (list x middle-x inner-x)))

But, this version is a little bit disingenuous because the macro is pre-programmed to know about the outer binding of x. This means that it fails on:

(define y 1)
(let ([y 2])
  (check-equal? (123-list y) (list 1 2 3)))

But, we won’t fix this problem until the very end. First, let’s unravel the sugar that define-syntax-rule gives us. All define-syntax-rule does is abbreviate the definition of a value that uses syntax-rules with one pattern.

(define-syntax 123-list
  (syntax-rules ()
    [(_ middle-x)
     (let ([inner-x 3])
       (list x middle-x inner-x))]))

The expansion from syntax-rules is similarly simple. It expands into a single argument function, uses syntax-case to match the pattern, and then returns a piece of syntax with the same source location as the argument.

(define-syntax (123-list stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ middle-x)
     (syntax/loc stx
       (let ([inner-x 3])
         (list x middle-x inner-x)))]))

While syntax-case is a powerful macro that does full-fledged pattern matching, we do a trivial thing with it: extract the second element of an input list. You might think we could replace syntax-case with:

(define-syntax (123-list stx)
  (define middle-x (second (syntax->list stx)))
  (syntax/loc stx
    (let ([inner-x 3])
      (list x middle-x inner-x))))

But this is incorrect, because the middle-x in the macro template is a pattern variable and not a normal binding. Luckily, we can fix this by using quasisyntax/loc rather than syntax/loc:

(define-syntax (123-list stx)
  (define middle-x-stx (second (syntax->list stx)))
  (quasisyntax/loc stx
    (let ([inner-x 3])
      (list x #,middle-x-stx inner-x))))

The next thing to attack is quasisyntax/loc, which is like quasiquote but constructs syntax objects rather than lists. Thus, we can just use datum->syntax to turn the quasiquote constructed list into a syntax object with the same context as some other syntax object:

(define-syntax (123-list stx)
  (define middle-x-stx (second (syntax->list stx)))
   `(let ([inner-x 3])
      (list x ,middle-x-stx inner-x))))

However, it is not really correct to use the lexical context of #'123-list for the entire new syntax object. Instead, we just need that context for stuff like let, #%app, list, and x. Normally, each macro invocation has its own fresh context, which is made with #f:

(define-syntax (123-list stx)
  (define middle-x-stx (second (syntax->list stx)))
  (define new-ctxt-stx (datum->syntax #f 'new-ctxt))
   (list (datum->syntax #'123-list 'let)
         (list (list 'inner-x (datum->syntax #'123-list 3)))
         (list (datum->syntax #'123-list '#%app)
               (datum->syntax #'123-list 'list)
               (datum->syntax #'123-list 'x)

At this point, we can go back and fix <test-y> by using middle-x-stx to discover the name the macro user wants to use.

(define-syntax (123-list stx)
  (define middle-x-stx (second (syntax->list stx)))
  (define x-id (syntax-e middle-x-stx))
  (define new-ctxt-stx (datum->syntax #f 'new-ctxt))
   (list (datum->syntax #'123-list 'let)
         (list (list x-id (datum->syntax #'123-list 3)))
         (list (datum->syntax #'123-list '#%app)
               (datum->syntax #'123-list 'list)
               (datum->syntax #'123-list x-id)

There’s basically no lower than we can really go with this macro.

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But first let’s remember what we learned today!

At their base, Racket macros really are functions from a syntax object to a new syntax object.

A syntax object is an S-expression of data paired with a lexical context.

Different identifiers that are typed the same way are differentiated by their lexical context objects.

When datum->syntax attaches lexical context to raw data, it does not replace lexical context that is already there.

If you’d like to run this exact code at home, you should put it in this order:

<*> ::=
(require (for-syntax racket/base
(let ()
(let ()
(let ()
  (define x 0)
(let ()
(let ()
(let ()
(let ()
(let ()
(let ()