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2013-04-29: Burrows-Wheeler Transform

The source for this post is online at 2013-04-29-bwt.rkt.

The Burrows-Wheeler Transform is a cute algorithm that used in compression. This post shows a simple Racket implementation.


The Burrows-Wheeler Transform is based on the idea of lexicographically ordering all the rotations of a string, then extracting the final characters of each ordered rotations. This pushes common sub-sequences close together and creates repetitions. It can be inverted by re-constructing the table of rotations and extracting the row that corresponds to the original input, which can be identified with a sentinel value.

The core of encoding is trivial, assuming we have a function that returns all rotations of a string.

(define (encode s)
  (define rotation-table
    (sort (rotations s) string<?))
   (map string-last

It is easy to write such a rotations function, as well, since we just consider the rotation beginning at each character of the input string:

(define (rotations s)
  (for/list ([i (in-range (string-length s))])
    (rotation-start-at s i)))

Then constructing a rotation starting at some character i just means we take all the characters after i then all the characters before i:

(define (rotation-start-at s i)
  (string-append (substring s i)
                 (substring s 0 i)))

Decoding is a little bit tricky in the details, but simple if we have access to the rotation table. We just take the row that ends in the sentinel:

(define (decode s)
  (findf (λ (s) (sentinel? (string-last s)))
         (make-rotation-table s)))

The hard part is getting the rotation table. The key idea is to add the decoded string over and over from the right, sorting each time. Here we us a few cute Racket-isms to do it. We turn the string into a list so that we can map over it, using the two list version of map that calls the function on the paired elements of each list.

(define (make-rotation-table s)
  (define len (string-length s))
  (define sl (string->list s))
  (for/fold ([t (make-list len "")])
      ([i (in-range len)])
    (sort (map string-cons sl t) string<?)))

Something I love about encoding and decoding algorithms is that they are simple to verify: you just make sure you can take a round trip. Here’s some code to generate a large number of strings and then compare the original string to the decoded encoding. (In this example, we define the sentinel character as  .)

(for ([i (in-range N)])
  (define s
    (build-string (add1 i)
                  (λ (j)
                    (if (= i j)
                      (integer->char (+ 65 (random 26)))))))
  (check-equal? (decode (encode s)) s))

This is not an especially fast version of this algorithm, but I find it to be very pretty.

If you’d like to use this code at home, you should put it in this order:

<*> ::=
(require rackunit
(define (string-last s)
  (string-ref s (sub1 (string-length s))))
(define (string-cons c s)
  (string-append (string c) s))
(define (sentinel? c)
  (char=? #\~ c))
(define-syntax-rule (round-trip in out)
    (check-equal? (decode (encode in)) in)
    (check-equal? (encode in) out)
    (check-equal? (decode out) in)))
(define N 100)