2013-04-29: Burrows-Wheeler Transform
The source for this post is online at 2013-04-29-bwt.rkt.
The Burrows-Wheeler Transform is a cute algorithm that used in compression. This post shows a simple Racket implementation.
The Burrows-Wheeler Transform is based on the idea of lexicographically ordering all the rotations of a string, then extracting the final characters of each ordered rotations. This pushes common sub-sequences close together and creates repetitions. It can be inverted by re-constructing the table of rotations and extracting the row that corresponds to the original input, which can be identified with a sentinel value.
The core of encoding is trivial, assuming we have a function that returns all rotations of a string.
(define (encode s) (define rotation-table (sort (rotations s) string<?)) (list->string (map string-last rotation-table)))
It is easy to write such a rotations function, as well, since we just consider the rotation beginning at each character of the input string:
(define (rotations s) (for/list ([i (in-range (string-length s))]) (rotation-start-at s i)))
Then constructing a rotation starting at some character i just means we take all the characters after i then all the characters before i:
(define (rotation-start-at s i) (string-append (substring s i) (substring s 0 i)))
Decoding is a little bit tricky in the details, but simple if we have access to the rotation table. We just take the row that ends in the sentinel:
The hard part is getting the rotation table. The key idea is to add the decoded string over and over from the right, sorting each time. Here we us a few cute Racket-isms to do it. We turn the string into a list so that we can map over it, using the two list version of map that calls the function on the paired elements of each list.
(define (make-rotation-table s) (define len (string-length s)) (define sl (string->list s)) (for/fold ([t (make-list len "")]) ([i (in-range len)]) (sort (map string-cons sl t) string<?)))
Something I love about encoding and decoding algorithms is that they are simple to verify: you just make sure you can take a round trip. Here’s some code to generate a large number of strings and then compare the original string to the decoded encoding. (In this example, we define the sentinel character as .)
(for ([i (in-range N)]) (define s (build-string (add1 i) (λ (j) (if (= i j) #\~ (integer->char (+ 65 (random 26))))))) (check-equal? (decode (encode s)) s))
This is not an especially fast version of this algorithm, but I find it to be very pretty.
If you’d like to use this code at home, you should put it in this order:
(require rackunit racket/list) (define (string-last s) (string-ref s (sub1 (string-length s)))) <rotation> <rotations> <encode> (define (string-cons c s) (string-append (string c) s)) (define (sentinel? c) (char=? #\~ c)) <rotation-table> <decode> (define-syntax-rule (round-trip in out) (begin (check-equal? (decode (encode in)) in) (check-equal? (encode in) out) (check-equal? (decode out) in))) (round-trip "^BANANA~" "BNN^AA~A") (round-trip "SIX.MIXED.PIXIES.SIFT.SIXTY.PIXIE.DUST.BOXES~" "TEXYDST.E.IXIXIXXSSMPPS.B..E.~.UESFXDIIOIIITS") (define N 100) <check-random>