2012-05-22: An LZ78 Implementation
The source for this post is online at 2012-05-22-lz78.rkt.
For a long time I’ve known about and relied on the LZ77/78 compression
algorithms. Once when I was in middle school, I told a friend an idea
I had about compression, and the friend—
Despite this long connection, I’d never implemented the algorithm before. I sought to rectify that situation.
First, I read about the algorithm on Wikipedia. The article is pretty informative. I’ll briefly recap it.
As you read through the content to compress, you keep track of a dictionary of previously seen phrases. Whenever you discover a yet undiscovered phrase, add it to the dictionary and encode it as the previously-seen prefix and the new character. Decoding works in reverse. Since the very first character of the encoded output is necessarily not in the dictionary, its prefix will be empty and it will establish the first phrase. As you read the encoding, you maintain the same dictionary and decode by following the phrase-reference backwards and then emitting the new character.
For an implementation, the signature of the function is pretty straight-forward: it takes a character source, which I’ll use an input-port for, and it returns a list of pairs of the previously seen reference and the new character.
However, there’s one hitch. If the last phrase of the input is previously seen, then there will be no right-hand side of the output pair. You could add a special character to indicate that. I decided to output just the phrase reference, in that case.
1 Compression
My compression code looks like this:
(define (compress ip) <next-unseen> (let outer-loop ([next 1]) (match (next-unseen next) [(? number? ref) (stream ref)] [(and W (cons ref c)) (stream-cons W (outer-loop (add1 next)))])))
The main work all happens in next-unseen which takes the reference that the next phrase will be given and either returns a number, for the final reference in the stream, or a cons of the last reference and the new character, which is added to the output and then the compression continues. The dictionary itself is totally maintained by the next-unseen function.
next-unseen runs in a loop keeping track of the current dictionary and prefix phrase reference. At each iteration it reads a byte from the input. There are then three cases:
1. The input is empty, in which case, the last seen phrase reference is returned.
2. The current dictionary has a reference starting with that byte, in which case, the prefix phrase is extended. This means the loop is continued with a new dictionary and a new prefix phrase. For example, if the current phrase is A, named 1, and the next input is B, and AB is previously seen and named 2, then the dictionary will have a mapping in it from B to a new dictionary and the number 2, which are used in the next iteration of the loop.
3. The current dictionary does *not* have a reference for this byte, meaning that we’ve encoded a new phrase. In that case, we can add this byte to current dictionary and allocate a new name for it, then return that new name.
Here’s that in code:
(define top-dict (make-hasheq)) (define (next-unseen this) (let loop ([dict top-dict] [last 0]) (define b (read-byte ip)) (cond [(eof-object? b) last] [(hash-ref dict b #f) => (λ (next) (loop (cdr next) (car next)))] [else (hash-set! dict b (cons this (make-hasheq))) (cons last b)])))
This code uses a similar dictionary structure to my Boggle solver, from the previous blog post. However, in this code, it’s mutable because the dictionary is extended as we go and it would be tedious to thread the state.
I’m kind of amazed that the compression can fit in 23 lines!
Here’s a little example:
(define some-input #"AABABBBABAABABBBABBABB") (define compressed (compress (open-input-bytes some-input))) (define A (char->integer #\A)) (define B (char->integer #\B)) (check-equal? (stream->list compressed) (list (cons 0 A) (cons 1 B) (cons 2 B) (cons 0 B) (cons 2 A) (cons 5 B) (cons 4 B) (cons 3 A) 7))
In this example, the final dictionary looks like this:
(hasheq B (cons 4 (hasheq B (cons 7 (hasheq)))) A (cons 1 (hasheq B (cons 2 (hasheq B (cons 3 (hasheq A (cons 8 (hasheq)))) A (cons 5 (hasheq B (cons 6 (hasheq)))))))))
2 Decompression
Naturally, decompression is dual to compression. It will also maintain a dictionary, but it will have the opposite information: rather than mapping characters to references and suffixes, it will map references to characters and prefixes.
The code is considerably simpler because there is a single dictionary (rather than a structured one) and the decompression is a fold over the input stream, rather than a more generative loop.
Here’s the core of it:
(define (decompress str) (define dict (make-hasheq)) <output-from-dict> (for/fold ([next 1]) ([p (in-stream str)]) (match p [(cons ref b) (hash-set! dict next p) (output-from-dict next) (add1 next)] [(? number? ref) (output-from-dict ref) next])))
Basically, each element of the stream is either a new dictionary entry, in which case we remember it and output it, or it’s just a reference and we output without remembering. Pretty simple. (We could use a functional hash, but there’s no benefit here.)
When you get a reference and need to output it, it’s also quite easy:
(define (output-from-dict this) (match (hash-ref dict this #f) [#f (void)] [(cons last this-b) (output-from-dict last) (write-byte this-b)]))
Either the reference isn’t in the dictionary, so you stop, or it is, so you output its prefix and then the byte associated with it. We use the stack as our data-structure to keep track of bytes to write, because the dictionary stores the prefixes, not the suffixes.
The whole decompression is just 20 lines. Wow!
We can check that the output is the same as the input:
(check-equal? (with-output-to-bytes (λ () (decompress compressed))) some-input)
In the example, the dictionary is:
(hasheq 8 (cons 3 A) 7 (cons 4 B) 6 (cons 5 B) 5 (cons 2 A) 4 (cons 0 B) 3 (cons 2 B) 2 (cons 1 B) 1 (cons 0 A))
And that’s it!
3 Further work
One strange thing about this implementation is that the output is just a stream of pairs rather than bytes. The easiest way to encode it as bytes is to write each pair as two bytes. That’s not totally correct, however, because the number of prefixes may exceed the number of bytes, so you’ll need to use the length of the input log-2 for the number of bits per reference. You can do a little bit better by having the decoder keep track of this number during decoding and gradually use more bits.
It is interesting to think of what kinds of input this algorithm fails to compress. It’s those without common prefixes. For example, if you had all the bytes from 0 to 255, then the output would be double (plus one! Why?) the input. If you then added each byte to every other byte, then you’d double again.
Another surprising thing about the algorithm is that the dictionary is just as long as the compressed output because the compressed output IS the dictionary. The compression algorithm is inherently non-random access because you need to read it linearly to know the context of the prefix references.
This was a very fun thing to implement. I hope you enjoy it!
By the way, if you use this code at home, make sure you put the code in this order:
(require rackunit racket/list racket/match racket/stream racket/port) <compress> <compress-example> <compress-example-dict> <decompress> <decompress-example> <decompress-example-dict>